A&E Flipped Off Promo

A&E Flipped Off Promo

Sponsored network ID promo bumpers for the A&E show, “Flipped Off.”

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A&E Networks tasked Kinopicz with developing custom animation for a series of 20 second spots promoting their new show, “Flipped Off.” Kinopicz used various image and sound assets provided by A&E and developed animated motion graphics that are both original and within stringent network brand standards. The spots provide network sales executives a value added advertising product, allows sponsors (in this case Capital One) a customized network ID mention during the show, and provides viewers a useful tip in conjunction with the content they are watching.


A&E Networks

Project Type

Broadcast Promos

  • Design & Motion
  • Post Production & Finishing
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A&E Flipping 101

A&E Networks tasked Kinopicz with developing custom animation for a series of 20 second spots promoting their new show, “Flipped Off.”